There’s another week of perhaps the most interesting season of Fortnite so far, and with it another guide to challenges. I hope you enjoyed the last one and this one will be no different.
As with all Awakening Challenges, you must have a Battle Pass bought.

Here is their list:
- Visit Jennifer Wallter’s office as Jennifer Walters
- Eliminnate Doctor Doom’s henchmen as Jennifer Walters
- Emote after smashing a vase as Jennifer Walters
Visit Jennifer Walter’s office as Jennifer Walters
As the name suggests, you have to wear Jennifer’s skin, which you get on lvl 22. Then head to the house marked on the map attached below, located in Retail Row. Once you walk into the house, you’ll have the task done.

Eliminate Doctor Doom’s henchmen as Jennifer Walters
Don’t take your Skin off and head straight to Doom’s Domain, located on a location formerly known as Pleasant Park. There you have to kill 3 Doctor Doom’s Henchmens to complete the task.

Emote after smashing a vase as Jennifer Walters
And be the last to aim an outfit like Jennifer at any location on the map you find a vase in. At Dirty Docks, for example, there’s a whole warehouse full of them. Once you’ve completed this task, you’ll receive an Emote Gamma Overload that turns your Jennifer into a version of She-Hulk. When reused, you turn back into a professional form.

I hope you enjoyed our article and goodbye to the next one!
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