And one more manual for the collection. Doctor Doom’s challenges this time. Again, as with all other tasks from this collection, you must wear a skin designed for these challenges- the Doctor Doom skin that you get on lvl 74. Here’s their list.
- Visit Doctor Doom’s Statue as Doctor Doom
- Visit a giant throne as Doctor Doom
- Get a Victory Royale as Doctor Doom to unlock emote

Visit Doctor Doom’s Statue as Doctor doom
Now that this challenge is no longer entirely new you can meet this challenge in any match because there are not so many people flying there anymore. Just fly straight into the middle of Doom’s Domain to the statue of the doctor and you’re done with this challenge.

Visit a giant throne as Doctor Doom
Personally, I love these tiny locations. I always find something interesting on a map like this, and since I don’t fly there God knows how often, without this challenge, I wouldn’t even know about this location. Its location is in the attached picture. As in the previous challenge, just fly in and you’re done.

Get a Victory Royale as Doctor Doom to unlock emote
If you just fail to win Victory Royale in Solo etc. You can also do this in Team Rumble. Once your team wins and you’re dressed as Doctor Doom. The challenge is done immediately and you can do Victory Von Doom Emote.

Good luck for the next few days and we’ll see you at the next article!