Hello everyone. Welcome to another one of our articles. Since the new season has provided us with probably the most beautiful locations we’ve seen so far, we’ve had to show them to you individually as well. We have to say the developers have really outdone themselves this time. But we won’t be delaying any longer, and let’s take a closer look at those locations.

Reality Falls
This location is incredible, and as you can see from the map, it’s in a whole new biome that we have never seen before. It all appears as if it’s straight out of a fairy tale. There are glowing mushrooms on the ground, trees and grass are in shades of blue, and right in the middle of the location you’ll find a huge tree, which if you climb all the way up, you can even fly out afterwards and it’s therefore another way of transportation that’s new in this season.

Rave Cave
Yes, by that we mean, of course, the enormous air duct (Slipstream) located right around this entire location. We definitely recommend everyone to come all the way to the top (in the bear’s head) and ride this whole rollercoaster, because it’s really worth it. The work that developers have done with this location alone is unreal. But even the inside of the whole cave is changed from last season. You’ll find a huge stage below, for example, and overall the naming is fitting, as it looks like one huge rave concert.

Greasy Grove
Although even this location is beautiful we have to say it’s the first one that left us a little dissapointed. But that’s only because during the previous season, this place was one of the best places for us to land. And by that, we are thinking especially about wind turbines that were found south of Greasy. We can only hope and dream that the wind turbines along with the Tactial Shotgun and the normal Asault Rifle will return to the game at some point. Players who have played Fortnite since Chapter 1 will notice the similarities with the locations of the aforementioned chapters.

However, this location isn’t the only one, which the most long-term players really are cheering for in this season. Not only do we have Tilted Towers back since a while ago, but if you look at the rest of the map, you can see that it really is made up from many parts that we’ve already seen. For example, the whole volcano area, or the layout of biomes and so on. It is certainly something that we and players from all over the world appreciate.

You can notice certain places on the map where you can’t see buildings, but only large trees instead. These locations are interesting both because they change (in each match they are different) but also because they contain already used schemes. On one, we saw buildings in the colloseum theme and in another, a sea palace.

And since this season’s special character is none other than Indiana Jones, you may have already registered that you can find a Temple location on the map where there’s actually a treasure you need to claim. Definitely one of the best locations of the season in our opinion.

We hope you enjoyed our article and we look forward to the next one.
Nice 👍
good piece of work.
Good work