Probably the best news this season. I don’t know about you, but I always did a week challenges the day they came out, and then I had nothing to do for the rest of the week. But now, thanks to them, the characters giving bounty and also weekly challenges, I have a lot to do all the time. Punch cards are in this season too, but you’ll find them as normal challenges just keep repeating themselves, only with a higher target. For example Destroy Beds, sofas and chairs 10, after 20, etc.

As I was saying, there are new assignments every week, always one legendary. In it you really have a chance to get the most XP but beware! You can only do it the week it comes out. You can see the countdown at the task. Epic quest (violet) is also released and you will receive additional rewards like additional form for your season skins or others. They always have several stages, so you won’t be bored. I guess what amused me most was the last time I found and buried gnomes on a map.

Challenge is really my favorite part of the game, always when I’m bored. I can’t meet any players, at least I always have something to do in the game. But who would miss daily challenges, don’t worry. The to-do list is really long, but if you roll a little lower, you’ll find 3 challenges each day that also have a timeout(24h) and then new ones will appear. For example, Land at Butter Farm or open a Supply Drop.

Also, you always receive a Beskar quest after a certain lvl. Once completed, you always get additional skin form for The Mandolorian. But has anyone noticed that this season is desperately lacking in traps or coins?
Definitely in this season you really have a lot of chances to get XP, so don’t hesitate and go play!
Thank you
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